Hi all,
Yes i did go and look. I felt like a peeping Tom. How come there's no porn?
Sadly, the Internet is over 50% filled with just that, porn. To find it using your keyboard Ol'Dos, well, I think that is what the "Any Key" is for.
I once got a virus bomb by using Google to look up information on "bladder infections/" When I clkicked the Google link, it took me to a porn site, which started to download viruses. I was able to stop the feed, but not until some 20 virsues and malware apps got into my system. I''m happy to report I got rid of all of them, simply by using pure DOS. And while I'll agree that it was probably a great site to learn how to get a bladder infection, or worse... it was of no help whatsoever at providing current and useful information about the disease!