Hi all,
While ... Wend is like Do ... Loop. The syntax is
WHILE condition true WEND. So in this case where
WHILE Letter$ <> CHR$(z)
is written , it means in plain english, While the generated letter does not equal the inputted letter. Which leads to repetition and allows user to select another letter.
If you want to respond to an incorrect letter then simply add a comparison and message off that comparisson.
WHILE Letter$ <> CHR$(z)
INPUT "Letter: ", Letter$ '//// somewhere in here, I want it to print "sorry, that is not the correct letter, try again " if the letter is not correct
Letter$ = UCASE$(Letter$)
If ucase$(Letter$) <> chr$(z) then
Print "You selected ";Letter$;" which is wrong.Please enter ";chr$(z)
end if