« on: June 11, 2011, 08:18:17 pm » |
Hi all, Respectfully if you dont know this then you should research tutorials so you understand it. As programmers we have to use combinations of those symbols to make our programs work. Therefor to read and understand another programmers program you need to know them. something = something equal something => something equal or greater than something =< something equal or less than something <> something not equal This stuff should be in the wiki. This is part of the reason you should compose a program description in english. That way you can relate the action wanted into the code that produces that action. Makeing a program work is half the job. Understanding how and why it works is the other half. OlDosLover.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 12:12:06 am by OlDosLover »
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