No no offense taken, and I appreciate the efforts to explain, I though you knew, my math level is of about the 4th grade level, I did read in one tutorial, it said one needs, at least trigonometry, to get any where with programming code. After all said and done, I agree, my best route would be to not only study the tutorials more, but look for some tutorials on symbols and math, Although I am sure most of what you are saying could be understood by someone with algerbra, and a college level of schooling,..for me it is pretty much just numbers and symbols,I don't think I will ever grasp enough of this, for it to be worth yours or anyone elses, time and trouble, to try to explain,...
PRINT "Press the LETTER please"
z = INT(RND * 26) + 66
WHILE Letter$ <> CHR$(z)
INPUT "Letter: ", Letter$ '//// somewhere in here, I want it to print "sorry, that is not the correct letter, try again " if the letter is not correct
Letter$ = UCASE$(Letter$)
IF UCASE$(Letter$) <> CHR$(z) THEN
PRINT "Wrong ,you wrote "; Letter$; " Please Try again "; CHR$(z)
WHILE Letter$ <> CHR$(z)
INPUT "Letter: ", Letter$
Letter$ = UCASE$(Letter$)
PRINT " Good You wrote "; Letter$
I was trying to say I did understand that <> is significant to not equal too,...
The rest I don't, all it gave me was a bunch of letters and numbers,...With the above, that is all I needed,... and thanks,..but anyway, I have given up on tyng to understand all of this, is never going to make any sense to, me perhaps, as suggested, studying the tutorials, and maybe some math, day,..But until I learn enough, to understand, the answers to my questions, then I best not ask, and if I understand that much, I probably won't need to ask. I don't even know enough to ask a question,...sensibly.
But thank you very much for all the time, and trouble trying to teach me,...I do appreciate that, even though it was a hopeless task.
from Garry