What is SFML
A C++ Library _ Basically a Object Orientated version of SDL.
What can we do with it
OpenGL, Gamepad, Mouse, Keyboard, Microphone, etc...
What need in QB64 for programming with SFML.
SFML Package for QB64 :
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8822351/SFML.rarAn audio wrapper for SFML :
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8822351/SFML_Audio.zipAn OpenGL wrapper for SFML :
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8822351/GL_Wrapper.rarScreen shot of what you can do with it if you work REALLY hard!
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8822351/OBJ_MTL.PNGWhat is the purpose of the .h file
To use SFML you have to use a external C++ library and then use DECLARE LIBRARY in QB64 to use the functions you create. The .h file is the file that contains the C++ code.
How to program them
Tell me what you want to code and i will happilty help as best i can.