This is from, the thread in the weekly lessons, since it is "drifting into other subects, Hello Schmoo, Glad to see you , here, yes I have been, on this:
NEW WEB SITE and forum,
FORUM I like the phpBB very much ,it is pretty versatile,, seem pretty good to, I do not plan nor want any one to think I am "dropping", this forum, but it is more specificly related to qb64,..
The wiity witty, forum,
WITTy WITTY , dose not have many members, it will always be there, however, I am mostly going to be working on the Craetive Minds, now,...Yes it is kind of a lot of work, but I enjoy it,...I also have a "client", that wants me to design a web site, for his buisness,
this is great for me, because it opens the doors, to getting paid for something I enjoy doing,...His will be "free", but it will be a good, Demo, for refrences,..
I glad you show some interest, one thing, that would help, if you have some time, is register and login, to: and post, at least a "test" post,...this would help me see if the settings are working correctly,...1 category is moderated, the others are supposed to be open,, I have tested, and it seems ok, but it would be nice to see if the same applys, to "new" or outside users,...
I will explain more later,..I have to run, I am late for work,,,thanks again for offering, to help, I have downloaded the linux , you mentioned but still have not made the CD, for the ISO,...
from Garry
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