Here is the link to a new sample, Here is the same html code, but it is better if you look at the entire thread on creativeminds,
<html> <head> THIS IS A SAMPLE </h>
If you use pre, look at the difference in how the text displays.
<body> This is the body, here you will write you text, also have the links to any images ,etc.
Pre, makes it display, just like you have it.
There are many "tags" all tags must be inside < > A html editor, is helpful esecially when you are learning,
a good one has the html tags already to copy and paste, and also some Css to help setup the design and colors,etc.
To add links you use a href =
Like this:
<a href=""> Coffe Cup Html Editor </a> Be sure to include the " " Coffe cup is free,
for the basic limited ,but very useful editor. If you register it, you get additional options, that make
it even better.
Ok now copy and paste this, into notepad, again save it as a .html file, open it in your browser,
too see the difference.
You will also be able to use the link, and get the editor.
If you had a file on your site you want to be avaiable for down load, the link would be:
<a href=""> Download </a>, must exist on your site, or like wise,
if you have the filename and it is in the same directory on you computer,it would "download"
it to your self (create a copy) There is alot more to it,that can be done, but this is about it
on "basic",html, Pretty simple huh ?...For images it is <img src= "image.bmp"> if the file
is there the image loads and appears on the page, there won't be any image,but just a icon looking thing,
that would be the image if you had a image.bmp in the directory.
Guess thats about it. </body>
from Garry