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Print curved text editor

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Author Topic: Print curved text editor  (Read 573 times)
Dustie Bear
Full Member
Posts: 115

« on: March 11, 2011, 08:05:10 pm »

This prog will print curved text such as a rainbow shape

Just answer a couple questions such as enter some text, size, color, and couple more things
then it prints it all out.  Long sentences may not look great if you select to large of a circle.

this was my first atempt at using circles to do things other than draw circles!
CONST Middle = 269
CONST KEY_KP_UP& = 200008
CONST KEY_KP1& = 100257
CONST KEY_KP3& = 100259
CONST KEY_KP4& = 100260
CONST KEY_KP6& = 100262
CONST KEY_KP7& = 100263
CONST KEY_KP9& = 100265
'Center text on screen
CONST CenterX = 400
CONST CenterY = 390
'Holds color of curved words, underline

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 700, 32)
COLOR _RGB(0, 0, 0), _RGB(200, 200, 200)
LOCATE 20, 22
PRINT "The Length of your sentence will depend a lot on the";
LOCATE 21, 21
PRINT "Radius of the circle you decide to use. so experment!";
LOCATE 22, 21
PRINT "I find this quite fun to mess with.I will probably  ";
LOCATE 23, 21
PRINT "add a few more options like Strike through text etc.";
LOCATE 24, 21
PRINT "It already has an underline option.";

LOCATE 25, 21
PRINT "Feel free to add or edit this program!";
LOCATE 28, 26
PRINT "Press a key to start using it!";
DO WHILE a$ = "": a$ = INKEY$: LOOP
   COLOR _RGB(0, 0, 0), _RGB(200, 200, 200)

   LOCATE 22, 25
   f$ = ""
   LINE INPUT "Enter some Text ? : ", f$
   IF f$ = "" THEN f$ = "You didn't enter any text."
   LOCATE 22, 20
   INPUT "Enter radius between 50 and 310 ? :  ", Radius
   IF Radius > 250 THEN Dot = 2 ELSE Dot = 1 ' size of the dots to look best
   IF Radius = 0 THEN Radius = 250
   IF Radius < 50 THEN Radius = 50
   IF Radius > 310 THEN Radius = 310

   UL$ = "": ST$ = ""
   CLS: LOCATE 22, 18
   INPUT "Enter 1=Underline 2=StrikeThrough 3 = Both - else just enter"; USB
   IF USB = 1 THEN UL$ = "y"
   IF USB = 2 THEN ST$ = "y"
   IF USB = 3 THEN UL$ = "y": ST$ = "y"

   '--- get a color to use

   Select_Clr tr, tg, tb
   w = _RGB(tr, tg, tb) 'color of letters
   uw = _RGB(tr, tg, tb) ' color of underline and strike through
   COLOR w: CLS: LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT f$; w

   a = LEN(f$): a = a * 8: WordLength = a: temp = WordLength / 2
   LeftSide = Middle - temp: RightSide = Middle + temp

   FOR t = 16 TO 0 STEP -1
      Radius = Radius + 4
      DO UNTIL DEGREE = RightSide
         DEGREE = DEGREE + 1
         RADIAN = DEGREE / 57.2958
         x = COS(RADIAN) * Radius
         y = SIN(RADIAN) * Radius
         IF DEGREE > LeftSide AND DEGREE < RightSide + 1 THEN

            ' ----- Write the curved text
            w = POINT(a + 8, t)
            CIRCLE (CenterX + x, CenterY + y), Dot, w
            PAINT (CenterX + x, CenterY + y), w, w
            a = a + 1: IF a > WordLength - 1 THEN a = 0

            '----- Draw the underline if selected
            IF UL$ = "y" THEN
               IF t = 16 THEN
                  CIRCLE (CenterX + x, CenterY + y), Dot, uw
                  PAINT (CenterX + x, CenterY + y), uw, uw
               END IF
            END IF
            IF ST$ = "y" THEN
               IF t = 8 THEN
                  CIRCLE (CenterX + x, CenterY + y), Dot, uw
                  PAINT (CenterX + x, CenterY + y), uw, uw
               END IF
            END IF
         END IF
      DEGREE = 0
   NEXT t
   LINE (0, 0)-(800, 15), _RGB(200, 200, 200), BF
   COLOR _RGB(0, 0, 0)
   LOCATE 43, 25
   PRINT "Press a key to do another one. - q Exits ? : ";

   q$ = ""
   DO WHILE q$ = ""
      q$ = INKEY$
   IF LCASE$(q$) = "q" THEN SYSTEM

SUB Select_Clr (R_Slide, G_Slide, B_Slide)
'Green mover
GL = 75: GR = 77
'Red Mover
RL = 75: RR = 77
'Blue mover
BL = 75: BR = 77
'Colored Moving pieces
R_Slide = 190: G_Slide = 30: B_Slide = 120

COLOR _RGB(0, 0, 0), _RGB(200, 200, 200)
LOCATE 14, 37: PRINT "Select a Color for your text!";
LOCATE 18, 24: PRINT "Use the number keypad with the numbers shown on selecters.";
LOCATE 19, 31: PRINT "If it doesnt work, your NumLock may be on!";
LOCATE 21, 31: PRINT "<- 7";
LOCATE 23, 31: PRINT "<- 4";
LOCATE 25, 31: PRINT "<- 1";
LOCATE 21, 69: PRINT "9 ->";
LOCATE 23, 69: PRINT "6 ->";
LOCATE 25, 69: PRINT "3 ->";

LINE (363, 410)-(452, 435), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B 'Box around color box
LINE (279, 321)-(540, 335), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B 'red indicater box
LINE (279, 353)-(540, 367), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B 'Green indicater box
LINE (279, 385)-(540, 399), _RGB(0, 0, 0), B 'Blue indicater box
   '  foo = _KEYHIT
   LINE (280 + R_Slide, 332)-(283 + R_Slide, 324), _RGB(200, 200, 200), BF

   ' ----- RED
   IF _KEYDOWN(KEY_KP7&) THEN R_Slide = R_Slide - 1
   IF _KEYDOWN(KEY_KP9&) THEN R_Slide = R_Slide + 1
   IF R_Slide > 255 THEN R_Slide = 255
   IF R_Slide < 1 THEN R_Slide = 1
   LINE (280 + R_Slide, 332)-(283 + R_Slide, 324), _RGB(250, 0, 0), BF

   ' ----- GREEN
   LINE (280 + G_Slide, 356)-(283 + G_Slide, 364), _RGB(200, 200, 200), BF
   IF _KEYDOWN(KEY_KP4&) THEN G_Slide = G_Slide - 1
   IF _KEYDOWN(KEY_KP6&) THEN G_Slide = G_Slide + 1
   IF G_Slide > 255 THEN G_Slide = 255
   IF G_Slide < 1 THEN G_Slide = 1
   LINE (280 + G_Slide, 356)-(283 + G_Slide, 364), _RGB(0, 200, 0), BF

   ' ----- BLUE
   LINE (280 + B_Slide, 388)-(283 + B_Slide, 396), _RGB(200, 200, 200), BF
   IF _KEYDOWN(KEY_KP1&) THEN B_Slide = B_Slide - 1
   IF _KEYDOWN(KEY_KP3&) THEN B_Slide = B_Slide + 1
   IF B_Slide > 255 THEN B_Slide = 255
   IF B_Slide < 1 THEN B_Slide = 1
   LINE (280 + B_Slide, 388)-(283 + B_Slide, 396), _RGB(0, 0, 200), BF
   ' ----- Indicater

   LINE (365, 412)-(450, 433), _RGB32(R_Slide, G_Slide, B_Slide), BF

   a$ = INKEY$

   _DELAY .005

LOOP UNTIL a$ = CHR$(13)


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