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PLAGURISM, ( Stealing the workother authors ?)

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Author Topic: PLAGURISM, ( Stealing the workother authors ?)  (Read 331 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 583

« on: July 20, 2011, 11:47:13 pm »

pla·gia·rism [pláyjə rìzzəm]
(plural pla·gia·risms)
1.  stealing somebody's work or idea: the process of copying another person's idea or written work and claiming it as original
2.  something plagiarized: a piece of written work or an idea that somebody has copied and claimed as his or her own
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 When I first saw this word, PLAGURISM I had no idea what it means, never herd of it before,  PLAGIARISM , I did find in the dictionary, so I suspect the other was mispelled. Any way,..In a recent PM , the author, states,
This opens the door to plaguraism and is a potentially dangerous    
The name of the author ( of the PM ) is not important, as that is not the issue, As far as I know there is nothing like that going on here,..And if there is ,if  I find any ""plagiarized"" code , I will remove it.
 Would this be acceptable for another forum user to seek permission and post chapter by chapter someones elses efforts in the desire to assist them?  
This is also part of the message, The key word is SEEK PERMISION,....and if permission is given, then it is not plagurism. part of the way this question is worded makes no sense to me,.."somone elses efforts in the desire to assist them ?   My response to the author, was that I really do not have the time for this BS and I don't, I am not a lawyer, nor do  legal terms, and "fancy" words, like plagurism make any sense to me.
 How ever once I looked up the word, it got me thinking, maybe something  needs to be said on this, to make it more clear,...Based on the comments of this person, I would need to remove most of the code demos, in this forum, some game demos,...and not allow anyone to post any part or all of any one elses work,...except of course  his work ( the person complaining),...
Alot of things posted in this forum, have been taken from various tutorials, by various authors, code posted in qb64.net,...and or in other PUBLIC forums,..all of which has been made public,..-----
 I hate this kind of BS, as it is hard to explain,..anyway , anyone is welcome to continue posting, any code, from any source, by any author, if it has been released publicly, and/or as long as they have the permission of the author,...
It is a standard courtesy to include a comment, giveing credit to the author,...
This is a example of a note I recieved from the author of some code I posted,..
"""You are free to use the examples as
wish if you want to make something out
of them. Most of the code is
mine with the names of people included
on the page if they are not
So I guess thats about it, feel free to post copys of code, or work,...from any source, in fact I welcome it,...as long as you do have the permission,  and you acknowledge the true author
 I would like to add , if you recieve any PMs or E-mail, from some one else, saying you should not, or can not post  a demo, or some chapter,or code snippet, what ever,....Please contact me,... I will decide if it is ok,... however, I also am not responsible,.. for anything anyone else posts,..I definately do not have the time, nor the desire, to go checking evry post that includes, code, or  Demos, to make sure, you are the author, or have permission,,...this is to say, if you do post copyrighted material, with out the proper permissions, or acknowledgements, you will be the one responsible.
 Hopefully this makes sense,.inspite of the fact that I say I don't have the time for this BS, any questions, may be posted.  
 One last thing,when posting your work, keep in mind, once posted, it becomes public,...if you do not want your work, code, or demo, copied, or viewed by the public, perhaps re-posted else where, probably you should not put it on internet,,.. OF course you can request, or state that you do not want it to be shared, or copied,...and I would respect that, but I can not be responsible nor promise you others will do the same.
 Guess that about it on the "legal" BS,

« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 08:09:19 am by GarrisonRicketson » Report Spam   Logged

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