Weekly Qbasic and Qb64 Lesson Topics
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How did you find out about this forum ?

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Author Topic: How did you find out about this forum ?  (Read 1070 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 583

« on: June 11, 2011, 07:44:07 am »

Ok, this is not a introduction, I already did that, but I wonder if in future newmembers hopefully include, how the found out about this forum ?
 Or if you have a chance reply here,...
 Some came from qb64.net and we already knew each other, but others, I am curious on that,..How did you find this forum ?
thanks From Garry
Hello again everyone, this is something new:
The Fly Trap

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« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2012, 09:15:26 am »

My XP computer was killed by a lightning strike. New computers only have windows 7 and I had many Qbasic programs written in order to trade commodities. Had to hunt and found DOSBOX and QB64. QB64 set up easily and once I figured out it was creating run anywhere *.exe files I was hooked. I have a question which I'll post in the Forum when I find out how to do that, but the reason I came was to discover why when I have a line (Chain FileLocation$ + "file.csv") I get the error (Unable to find "file.csv.bas"). Why the ".bas"?

Anyway I am 71 years old and have been programming since the early 80's having found Qbasic and Excel enough for my needs. I now mainly monitor the markets and play golf, and keep up with the horrible situation the governments of the world have foisted on the taxpayers with their socialistic/welfare/entitlement/wars etc., but I'll keep most of that to myself unless provoked LOL. Glad to be here. Hope to get my question answered and to learn something.
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Hero Member
Posts: 583

« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2012, 05:14:57 pm »

Posted by: Traderawb ;I have a question which I'll post in the Forum when I find out how to do that, but the reason I came was to discover why when I have a line (Chain FileLocation$ + "file.csv") I get the error (Unable to find "file.csv.bas"). Why the ".bas"?
  Ok, first off welcome to the forum, as you can see there is not to much "activity", though,.but welcome anyway,
 In relation to your question,..I am sorry, I have never encountered this, and do not have enough experience to say,..Galleon , at QB64.NET would be the best one to ask on this,  I have seen some discussions, on similar problems,..it would take some searching to find them though, I would recommend re-posting the same question, QB64 beginners Help
  This forum got started, back before they had a beginners help section, but that is where most of the experience users, and Galleon, the author "hang out", so I am positive you will get a explanation, and how to "fix" ,....you will need to register again, to post at qb64.net,..if for any reason, you do not want to register there, I can post a copy of the question, and get back to you with the results, I have done this on a few occasions,..but they are all a pretty friendly bunch, and that is what the "beginners forum " is for,..
 Feel welcome , also here, and if you have any "tips",questions, "demos" or just comments, they are welcome. You may find some code, demos, in the discussions, that can be improved, and modified, feel free to post any improvements, or "suggestions", lessons,etc.
Posted by: Traderawb , keep up with the horrible situation the governments of the world have foisted on the taxpayers with their socialistic/welfare/entitlement/wars etc., but I'll keep most of that to myself unless provoked LOL. Glad to be here. Hope to get my question answered and to learn something.
,... Both this forum, and the qb64.net forum, have a off topic , category, on qb64.net, http://www.qb64.net/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=vt783k89vhdoh6m40k1s9imdb2&board=10.0 there are some "lively" discussions ,on world affairs and politics,  and here,:
http://weeklyqbasicandqb64lesson.smfforfree.com/index.php/board,7.0.html Also, feel free, to open a topic or add to a existing one,... I am pretty strict about spam,  however, if you have any back links, website, etc, you would want to have in your signature, or post, and take the time to check with me,  I do permit some,....the ones I delete, are these ones ,"spam bots" post automaticly, occasionally,..if it is a "real human" member, then it probably is ok, still this could depend on what the content is, on any "back link" or signature link,..
ok well I guess that is about it, nice to meet you, and enjoy the forum,
from Garry (admin)
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Posts: 2

« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2013, 10:19:37 am »

Searching the WEB for alternatives to DOSBox to run Qbasic
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Hero Member
Posts: 583

« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2013, 11:27:53 pm »

Thanks for sharing that, glad you found it.
 Yes qb64 is a great way to compile qbasic programs, that can run on windows, or even Linux , with out dos box, now qb64 has become much more then just qbasic, but at the same time all, or most of the older qbasic commands still work, too,.. I think you will be quite happy with it, especially as you get familiar with the new commands that have been added.
 also Welcome to the forum.
from Garry
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Posts: 1

« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2014, 07:06:08 am »

Ok, this is not a introduction, I already did that, but I wonder if in future newmembers hopefully include, how the found out about this forum ?
 Or if you have a chance reply here,...
 Some came from qb64.net and we already knew each other, but others, I am curious on that,..How did you find this forum ?
thanks From Garry
Hello again everyone, this is something new:
The Fly Trap

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I was surfing the net for some QB64 lessons/forum/the latest verson for QB64 (Mine is quite old:v085)
and I stumbled upon this.

Thanks and Regards
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