Weekly Qbasic and Qb64 Lesson Topics
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WELCOME To Weekly Qbasic, and QB64 Lessons

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Author Topic: WELCOME To Weekly Qbasic, and QB64 Lessons  (Read 883 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 583

« on: March 02, 2011, 11:08:19 pm »

Welcome to this forum
Programming Can Be Fun
And this is what our goal is, to keep it fun,...My first comment is, although any sugestions, or requests, as to what you would like to see in this forum are welcome, we are just starting out, and the first members are invited to help make this a good forum, and participate, in building it, just  like programming, a forum, has to be built, the members make it what it becomes.
 Years ago I started a news group in USENET,..the big mistake I made was not creating it as a moderated group,...and quite quickly, it got some trouble causers, ...I tried, to change it to moderated, but that is not that easy, once any group,  is started, So any way I let it go, it (the news group) still exists today, wth many others, useing a similar name,   misc.transport.trucking this was back in 95,or 96,don't remember exactly, and not important.
 I learned my lesson, for these reasons, this forum will be moderated,..and allthough I hope to  keep it pretty open, not to many rules, there will be a few.
 I urge any guest, or new member,  to read these threads care fully to see where we are trying to go, soon I will be posting some guidelines and rules,..
 Mostly we want to keep it fun!
I may have made a few mistakes, when I first started the forum, in fact I did, make a few mistakes, some can be changed, others like the name can not be changed.
 So any way, guess thats about it for now, read the first threads, of this growing forum, carefully,...If you want to be part of it GREAT!, if you don't think you like it, I have included links to a few other forums, yu may prefer.
And probably will be adding to those. Feel free, to post comments, suggestions, ask questions, about code, no matter how little you know, or post samples of what you do know.  Try to post in the appropriate Category and topic, if unsure ASK!
 After all said and done, if you do not like this forum, or they way I do things, notice the SMF for Free add at the bottom, start your own forum.It is fun, too...since I am always learning, this is not to say, I don't want to hear your ideas, or suggestions, I do want to try to make it a forum that everyone can enjoy, However, the reality is, I can not please every body,
 I stopped trying to do that years ago.
 So enough on this, lets get into some lessons, and practice some code.
From Garry
P.S And Again WELCOME!
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Hero Member
Posts: 583

« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2011, 10:31:07 pm »

 Welcome to weekly qbasic,and qb64 lessons, If you do not know
absoulutely anything about programming this is the place for you.
 We are mostly useing qb64 now, because so few people even use Dos any
more, and it is neccessary to use something that works in windows.
 Feel free to ask even the most simple questions, all though I
personally do not know that much, Oldoslover, is sort of the "main"
tutor, but also Dusty (dusty bear), is very helpful too.
 In order to post a question, you do need to register, and login, it
is free and confidential.
 I urge any guest to do so (register,login ,introduce yourself),
give us some idea of how much or little you do know, and what is is
you are wanting to start out learning.We can not help you much if you
do not ask, or tell us what you want to learn. However you are welcome
to browse , and use what ever is of interest to you.
 I check in daily, also OldosLover is here dailey so you should get a
fairly prompt reply.
 Guess that about all right now.
 I would like to add qb64 is a very powerful compiler and capable of
makeing some pretty serious games, or programs, contrary to what many
programmers may say.
 The thing of it is QB64 is relatively new, and still under
developement, there could be software and programs ,and even games on
the market, that were written useing qb64, but in the executabe
version, all the user sees is the program, they don't have a clue as
to how it was written.

 I guess thats about it for now, from Garry,...
WELCOME, and please let us know you have been here...
thanks from Garry
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 11:39:32 pm by GarrisonRicketson » Report Spam   Logged

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